Dutch Indonesians' search for home Tifa Asrianti , THE JAKARTA POST , JAKARTA | Sun, 01/10/2010 3:51 PM | Lifestyle Many stories of Dutch Indonesians who left Indonesia shortly after Independence are lost in the passage of time. Legend has it that they went to Holland. But some found a second home, or perhaps a third, in the USA. Michael Hillis, a part-time teacher and history buff who resides in Portland, Oregon, estimates there are around 200,000 Dutch Indonesians, or Dutch Indos as they call themselves, living in the United States. "Not many people in America know about them," Hillis, who is making a film about the Dutch Indos, told the Sunday Post during a recent research trip to Indonesia. "They left Indonesia and headed to The Netherlands shortly after Independence. But when they got there, they faced racial issues." The Dutch Indos repatriated to Holland between 1945 and the 1960s. But it seemed that Dutch society was not ready for an influx of postwar Eurasians hailing from the former Dutch East Indies colony. As Eurasians, the Dutch Indos' physical features vary greatly, with some having blond hair and blue eyes, and others having a dark complexion and black eyes. Many of these were believed to be Hispanic immigrants and so faced racial slurs. However, their ability to speak fluent Dutch raised questions from people who were not aware of their origins. Hillis said that the Dutch Indos simply answered that they had learned the language during the journey by ship. "In my opinion, I think they probably realized that they had gone through terrible things," he said. "They lost their homes and their money in Indonesia. On the other hand, they had to cope with new issues, such as eating potatoes, instead of rice, and racial issues." He said that after arriving in Holland, most Dutch Indos learned martial arts to defend themselves, such was the extent of the attacks on them. Unable to bear the continuing discrimination, an estimated 60,000 Dutch Indos immigrated to the United States in the 1960s. "Once they arrived in the US, they took any kind of job they could get and they worked really hard," Hillis said. "For them, the US was a place where they could work and live in freedom. They did not have to worry about people trying to kill them." Nowadays, he said, the Dutch Indos in the United States are into their third generation; Los Angeles is home to the largest Dutch Indo community, with some 100,000 people. The first generation of Dutch Indos still speak Dutch, as it was the language they were born with, Hillis said, adding they also speak Indonesian because they spent a lot of time with their nannies, servants and helpers. "Most of the first generation came from wealthy families. They used to have 10 maids in their houses. When they reached the US, they decided that they had to make it there so they learned English. Most of them are around 80 years old now," he said. "These people would have loved to stay in Indonesia but they had no choice, they had to leave. Many of them still live in Holland but I believe there many who left for the US or perhaps other countries." Members of the second generation, now aged up to 60, speak English; the third generation, aged between 20 and 30, no longer speak Dutch and are unaware of their Dutch Indo roots. The Dutch Indos quickly assimilated into their new country, marrying people outside the community; most never returned to Indonesia. Hillis first came across the issue of the Dutch Indos when he read Jan A. Krancer's The Defining Years of the Dutch East Indies 1942-1949. He contacted the writer, who introduced him to Bianca Dias-Halpert, a Dutch Indo residing in Seattle. Dias-Halpert invited Hillis to a Dutch Indo community gathering. The Dutch Indo community often holds gatherings where they cook Indonesian food and do line dancing to Indonesian music played on small guitars, which, Hillis said, sounded to his ears like Hawaiian music. They also publish a bulletin about their community activities, all written in Dutch. "When I first saw them, I was wondering who these people were," Hillis said with a smile. "They look like Hispanic people, speak Dutch, eat Indonesian food and sing Hawaiian-like songs." As the younger generation immerse themselves into America's melting pot multicultural society, the older Dutch Indos are concerned that the young ones will forget their roots. As Hillis learned more about this concern, he was inspired to make a film about the Dutch Indos. After Hillis met filmmaker Marlin Darrah, the project began. They financed it privately and invited selected people to invest in the project. "I have a strong relationship with this movie, because I'm married to an Indonesian woman," Hillis said. "I want my daughters to understand the history of Indonesia during hard times." Hillis said that the movie would paint a new picture of Indonesia for Americans, most of who know little about Indonesia apart from terrorism threats and Bali. He said that the movie would take audiences to the World War II base of American general Douglas MacArthur on Morotai Island, as well as to other places of interest. "Most Americans know little about Indonesia. We hope this movie can show them that Indonesia and America have a historical relationship," he said. "We also want to see Garuda Indonesia flying to the US again. The US is the second largest country, Indonesia the third but there is no direct flight between these two countries." Hillis and Darrah visited Indonesia last December to do research. During their stay in Jakarta, they met and interviewed historian Des Alwi. They also met with a former Army official, who agreed to help with security during filming. "We will begin filming in April, shoot for 35 days and leave for other shooting places in May," Darrah said. "We plan to go to Holland to track down the Dutch Indo community there. Perhaps we will return to Indonesia in June for extra shots." Darrah, an experienced documentary filmmaker, said that the documentary would be shot in high definition format and would be 90 minutes long. He plans to submit it to this year's Jakarta International Film Festival as well as to other international film festivals. They also plan to distribute the movie through PBS, BBC and Discovery Channel. "I think the film will help the Dutch Indos to be at peace with their past," Hillis said. "They will be happy to see the film. It's going to be a legacy, something they can pass on to their children." Comments (23) | Post comment A | A | A | | | | | | | Bumi (not verified), jakarta — Wed, 01/13/2010 - 8:28am hi every body!!!! i hope this film will remind us not to hurt each other. every time i read&hear about war, wherever&whenever it is, it always brings such a huge sadness in me. when i look back at the past and when i look at what happens now, it's always the same. many people are killed. why cant we live in harmony, without hurting each other? sometimes i think nationality and race make us placed in different boxes. if my nationality is A and yours is B, then i'll do my best to bring all glories to my country, even if it will bring misery&suffering to country B. and that thing still obviously happens nowdays. let's live in peace!!! may peace will be spreaded to all over the world and to all of people. namaste Ray Van Broekhuizen (not verified), Corona, Ca — Wed, 01/13/2010 - 8:16am I am that 2nd generation Indo. I will be 60 this year. Lived in Holland for 4 years. Saw my dad go through many racial situations with the Dutch since he was pretty dark. We moved to Oregon City, OR when I was 11 and there were a total of 3 Indo families who lived there at that time. I am still in contact with them today(40yrs later). The 3 were de Water, Rhemrev and the other Bouwens. I believe they still live in Oregon but my family moved to So. Cal 1992 since we love warm weather. My wife is American(Italian,French) and we have 4 boys. She can cook Indonesian food(thank God) and my kids eat that as well besides all kinds of other foods. They don't speak Dutch but they know my mom as Oma and they do know their roots because I share it with them. I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters all over USA. We recently went to Bali to visit and it was awesome! Yes, I am all for keeping these Indo roots. My mom shared with me recently(86), they are the last true Indo generation who moved from Holland to USA for a better life and I thank them for it. I love all you Indos out there. Be proud of who you are because we are a special people! Calvin (not verified), Jakarta — Wed, 01/13/2010 - 6:46am I'm very glad The Jakarta Post wrote article about this, so we have more exposure of the film project. check this link for more information regarding Dutch Indonesian culture revival: http://dutcheastindies.web.id Djaka (not verified), yogya — Wed, 01/13/2010 - 3:48am I think it is not only Americans need to learn about 'Indisch Nederlanders', but also Indonesians. The fate related to them is simply unnoticed in the standard Indonesian history line (which is not surprising, regarding their small population which was not more than 1% from all Indonesian population at that time). However, some Indos contributed a lot in national building of Indonesia. They can start from this point. George K. (not verified), Los Angeles, Ca. — Wed, 01/13/2010 - 3:23am I agree with Michael Hillis, as to his comments and analysis of the plight of the Indos.In Holland they could not expect any mercy; they were there not welcome, only their money was most welcome.I am glad that Mr. Hillis is making this movie and I for sure, am looking forward to watch it. Thank you Michael for this great and wonderful initiative and plan. May God bless you always! Ronald A. Van Hek (not verified), 914 N. Sea Biscuit ct. Walnut,Ca.91789 — Wed, 01/13/2010 - 2:23am I have been interviewed by "Cogis" from the Netherlands and a book was printed, called " VERLATEN VERLEDEN"("LEFT THE PAST") which was written in Dutch. I came from Holland to the USA in 1957 and raised a family here. I am very interested in the film, so please keep me posted when and where it will be available. Thank you very much, Sincerely, Ronald Van Hek. Roy van Broekhuizen (not verified), Irvine, CA — Wed, 01/13/2010 - 12:34am I am very intrigued with your movie. I was born in Jakarta in 1948, went to a private Dutch school (both my parents were of mixed blood- Dutch, Indonesian, Chinese, Okinawan), spoke both Dutch and Indonesian growing up, fled to Holland in 1957 in the middle of winter (November), because of racial issues/discrimination my parents opted to immigrate to the US in 1961. My first time back was in 1976, 1981, 1994. When the tsunami hit Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, I was asked by Saddleback church (we are active members since 1997) to be tsunami relief coordinator, bringing volunteer teams and distribute funds we collected on first weekend of January 2005. My contract ended February 2006, my wife felt that we needed to stay so we started a small handbag factory/training center with 12 women, today we are able to support 300+, all tsunami survivors. You can read about the Laga handbags story here, http://www.laga-handbags.com/. I have been back and forth 21 times now since January 2005, plan to go back again in the next few months. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Best wishes, Roy Paolo L Scalpini (not verified), Toulouse — Tue, 01/12/2010 - 11:21pm I suppose I should call my son an Indo, having an Indonesian mother and a European father? Or does the term Indo as origin stop in 1945? Does it really matter so much? I suppose nationalism, racism and later religionism have led to the situation that people need to associate themselves with a certain ethnic / racial / religious identity. Then, if you fall somewhere in between it can be hard for some people. I certainly would like to understand better under which conditions the Dutch Indo’s left Indonesia. We only get two patriotic versions of the history (Indonesian / Dutch). It would make the story more colorful to explore the perspectives of other ‘identities’. Regardless whether it is the case for the Indo’s or not, it seems that so many people have lost their original homes and countries. Some of their stories are well known. Others are less publicized. Some have started a military struggle against their (in)voluntary displacement (like some groups of Mollucans). Others have fought back in another way, working hard to make a living in their new home to become part of the society. The Indo’s deserve the credit for their positive struggle and contribution to society in spite of their loss. Helena van der Winden (not verified), Jakarta — Tue, 01/12/2010 - 5:45pm For people who are interested in knowing more about Dutch-Indo heritage / community in Indonesia, I suggest you to visit places like Bandung, Bogor, Malang, and Batu. You'll be amazed that some of the third generation still speak Dutch fluently, while at the same time they are proud of the Indonesian culture. Louis (not verified), Vanderveen — Tue, 01/12/2010 - 4:21pm First of all Thank you Mr. Hillis for doing this. I can only Imagine that it is a large undertaking. For many in my 1st generation of Dutch Indos, we have been told the stories both good and bad about our history and the plight of the Dutch Indos. My mother lived during the occupation of Indonesia and saw and experienced many great horrors. My father was a guest of the Japaness Army alony with many other Dutch citizens recruited to fight the invading army. Though my parents came from vastly different sides of sociaty, their paths would intersect during the happy time after the war. Unfortunately they, like thousands of other families found themselves in the middle of a revolution that would end up putting them in a cold and less then welcoming society. The story of my family is only unique if you are not a Dutch indo. For all of us growing up in America we became Americans. Many have done well. I for one have never forgotten the stories both good and bad told to me about our journey. I look for to your compleated project. Dank aan Marshal Manengkei die ons dit artikel stuurde. Cornelia

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  • Wat is volgens jou de juist vertaling in het Engels van Indisch-Nederlanders, Ben?

    Ben Vink zei:
    Thank you webmaster Cornelia Stuyver in Denia Spain.


    De kranten in Indonesia noemen de Indisch-Nederlanders de Dutch-Indos
    Dat is geweldig zeg.

    Maar menige bewoners in Nederland noemen de Indisch-Nederlanders
    de Indonesiers

    Hoe komt dit.????
    Hebben deze mensen geen interesse over de Indisch-Nederlanders of hebben deze mensen oogkleppen net als de paarden.

    Wie wil hierover schrijven.????

    Hasta Lavista.
    Ben Vink
  • Ben,
    Denkelijk hebben de Indonesiërs meer weet van de hele historie dan de Nederlanders.
    Mooi dat het nu in de Jakarta Post staat.
    Ik ga mijn indonesische vriend Wibowo Wibisono dit nieuws ook even doormailen.
    Ik heb leuk mailkontakt met hem en al veel over de indische nederlanders aan hem verteld.
    Hij is heel geinteresseerd, zn grootvader heeft toen bij de Staats Spoorwegen gewerkt.
    Daardoor is zn interesse aangewakkerd, hij hoorde ook de goede verhalen.
    Hij kan de zaak van 2 kanten bezien en dat is mooi.
  • Thank you webmaster Cornelia Stuyver in Denia Spain.


    De kranten in Indonesia noemen de Indisch-Nederlanders de Dutch-Indos
    Dat is geweldig zeg.

    Maar menige bewoners in Nederland noemen de Indisch-Nederlanders
    de Indonesiers

    Hoe komt dit.????
    Hebben deze mensen geen interesse over de Indisch-Nederlanders of hebben deze mensen oogkleppen net als de paarden.

    Wie wil hierover schrijven.????

    Hasta Lavista.
    Ben Vink
Dit antwoord is verwijderd.